Yoga & Meditation Leicestershire

Online & In Person

~ Anna Hall ~

Yoga & meditation
Events speaker
Life coach
Energy healer
Yoga teacher mentor

Hello, I am Anna, a yoga & meditation instructor, life coach & energy healer. The creator of WellbeingWinnie and Winne’s Light Warriors – my dream that grows bigger and more exciting everyday, inspired because of an illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E) which I have had for 25 years.

It has been a roller coaster of a ride, but through a continual practice of yoga, dedication to my health requirements, studying and embracing new therapies, I can now treat M.E as a friend that I take care of. 

It is this ‘ride’ that inspires me to help other people. All of us here at Wellbeing Winnie are passionate about healing. We understand that the sustainability of an individuals health and happiness is dependent on their emotional, spiritual and physical body all working together as one.

Wellbeing Winnie has been named after the founders Nana – Daisy ‘Winnifred’ (lovingly known as Winnie.) Winnie lived a long happy life (100 years) with the highest level of positivity, health, and unwavering compassion.

Wellbeing Winnie is driven to provide help by the most natural means possible. Yoga, Pilates, Herbalism, Diet, Fitness, Nature, Positive Attitude, Energy Healing, Emotional Support, and Meditation. Learn how to love yourself, set health goals, find your purpose in life, and understand spiritual awakening! Happiness is an incredible adventure, and if you’d allow us, we would like to share your magical adventure with you…

Current Services Offered

Yoga teacher and life coach


Yoga and/or Meditation session 1 hour (Max 3 people). These sessions be led from a place of healing, incorporating technique, strength, flexibility, emotional and mental health goals, breath work and meditation.

Life Coaching

Coaching helps clients to clarify their goals, identify the obstacles holding them back, and help develop strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Including working with a client’s strengths to help make life long changes.

Energy/Holistic Therapy

With our therapy sessions we use any of the the following techniques (either alone or combined) to help rebalance ‘etheric’ energetic body. Yoga, chakra balancing, crystals, meditation, confidence coaching, lifestyle coaching, nutrition, primal therapy, dream analysis, and tarot readings.


Tarot reading is a system of identifying underlying emotion and spiritual energies that contribute to the manifestation of physical issues in one’s life. I use this as a healing tool. I am guided by spirit during each session, and will only be shown the information that is important for the client to hear at that time.

New Instructor Coaching

Coaching during these sessions is for instructors who are new to the world of yoga/Pilates/holistic therapies, helping them on their new path. These sessions can cover anything from lesson structuring and pricing, to legal understanding, legal obligations, and branding

Wellbeing Winnie's mission is to help each individual find their own path and build their own philosophy for life. It is inclusive of all beliefs and understandings that each individual feels and wants to use on their own journey of self actualization. To have a fulfilling, healthy and supportive relationship with themselves in mind, body and spirit.
Yoga & Meditation Leicestershire
Anna Hall
Wellness Coach
